UniDAG - Technology Of Freedom

UniDAG is a plan for an independent ecosystem, developed and maintained by separate individuals, different communities and companies, trading firms and government agencies. Someone is based in a symbiosis of the principles of freedom, openness, officiality and the latest scientific and technical research.
The main goal of the plan is development, which improves people's livelihoods in many currents. The result of the data is more fully implemented with the help of digital technologies and new conclusions, which are intertwined with many spheres of existence of the human community.
2 nd with the key goals of the planet UniDAG - the realization of the idea of publicity and transparency of the person's vital activity in this facet, in which the moral and legal universally recognized measures of the community give the opportunity. Society, in which the main auditor is the society itself, contains this independence, to which I try. I wish to accomplish this in order that public registers begin to be universally recognized by experience, and exist easily accessible to anyone. I wish to provide an alternative to the closed-loop concept that exists, in which place the guarantor is designated by society, and not by the government. I want to demonstrate that morality and opportunity are easier to adhere to in a society where everything is clear and obvious without exception. I wish to accomplish in such a way that the fulfillment of human beings is justified by the beginning of income, needless to say,
Publicity provides the chance to make a democratic consensus opinion, threaded through the entire ideology of the UniDAG society, in fact, effective. As a result of current technologies, it has begun to achieve a consensus vote, regardless of the type (hidden or disclosed referendum). Now it is permissible to carry out in the life activity the rule of social management of any in the current currently available principle of personal management of the environment.
DAGchain (dagchain) is a continuous sequential chain of blocks with data, built according to the rules of a directed acyclic graph. The main function of DAGCHAIN is to preserve and protect data in an unchanged form. Dagcein is built using a set of frameworks and libraries that can be used both separately and in various combinations with each other.

When building the dagchin and its frameworks, there were several unique technological solutions that should be considered as features of the project and requiring additional definitions.

The sphere of UniDAG is an independent, democratic and decentralized society. I hope that the agreed opinion of many equal independent subjects will provide a chance to resume the shattered balance. I am convinced that with the support of current technologies, the community has the chance to respond to the latest calls. I want to demonstrate that there is an effective option, and for you to resolve - to implement it or not.
In the basis of our social philosophy - an agreed opinion. The methods for achieving it are based only on following the just and obligations of the person that are written in municipal legislation. I hope that the gradual integration of current technologies into existing institutions will lead to progress and modifies the concept to the best side.
Respect for the independence of anyone is our principle. The establishment of a displacement vector in order to achieve the fullest set is arrogant, but the line of movement of this movement is selected by any one directly.
We can see the implementation approach in general, and one comes with UniDAG.
Company website: https://unidag.com/
Light Papper: https://unidag.com/docs/en/LightPaper-en.pdf
WhitePaper: https://unidag.com/docs/ru/WhitePaper-en.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/unidagworld/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WorldUniDAG
Telegramm: https://t.me/World_UniDAG
Author: loockup45
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