Hasil gambar untuk BITWINGS


Wings Mobile is a Spanish virtual cellular operator founded in 2007, which focuses on developing innovative software, smartphones and laptops. After less than one year in their new business strategy, which was implemented in 2017, the company received ALCI AWARD for 'Best Technology Design' for their sophisticated smartphones made with a focus on innovation, security and price.
The cellular communication market is growing rapidly and has unstoppable momentum. Beyond information traffic through voice (calls) and data (with all applications available for smartphones), mobile phones have become the main operational channel for financial activities and other sensitive information exchanges.
We believe that the future is built by incorporating security protocols and tools into our products which will also facilitate unlimited trade in crypto exchanges and enable crypto payments for goods and services.


Wings Mobile's mission is to create devices that improve the security and privacy standards of electronic devices without sacrificing freedom to use all available applications.
We offer software solutions that are dedicated to protecting the privacy of users and confidential data. Wings Mobile integrates neural technology into new X series devices, using unique security features for our technology, starting with our new Wings Minephone WX ™.
Through Wings Pay, we implement a revolutionary payment platform for all crypto users who want to buy goods and services using digital currency. Wings Mobile positions itself as a leading global company to accept cryptocurrency as a payment tool in its entire ecosystem, which supports our technology solutions and expansion programs throughout the world.
Wings Safe OS is based on an encrypted and secure (32 GB) partition of storage memory, and is completely independent of the main Android system. No Android application, control, or API has access to Wings Safe Core.
AI (Artificial Intelligence) makes it possible to predict, identify and eliminate cyber threats with speed and efficiency which is not always possible through human analysis. Thanks to the application of neural technology, Wings Mobile offers greater device control, analysis and security management.
Wings develops exclusive software that protects privacy permanently thanks to the integration of neuronal technology. Phone calls, photos, videos, private applications and confidential data can no longer be violated.
Complete payment solution for physical and online stores, which uses blockchain technology with a new vision. Both are innovative and complete thanks to the integration of WingsPos, an Android operating system device that is available for all stores.


Security for all those who own and wallet and operate in the blockchain market.
To democratize technology, work towards a reasonable price for smartphones and laptops that do not punish people based on where they live.
To directly receive our Bitwings cryptocurrency in all our Stores to purchase goods and services, so that they can develop as a currency.
Privacy for all those who do not want their telephone conversations or sensitive information to be intervened by third parties.
To guarantee the value of the WINGS MOBILE token problem (known as BitWings), regardless of cryptocurrency market fluctuations


You now have a solution to:

Buy online - Buy offline - Buy Applications on Wings Playstore
Recurring service payments (recurring payments) - Send money from person to person (peer to peer).


Thanks to the creation of a SKD center (assembly center) that is strategically distributed in countries that enjoy bilateral agreements and free trade markets with other countries, Wings Mobile can offer its products at a single price anywhere in the world.
To coordinate, manage and distribute products and services from Wings Mobile, Business Units are created in each country, which allows direct control of all phases relating to the distribution of products and services: import, logistics, administration, and marketing.
Wings Store is an alternative form of franchising. Unlike the latter, there are no geographical restrictions and the role of affiliates is similar to that of the main franchise. Each Wings Store Affiliate can offer affiliates to other affiliates of the new Wings Store for indirect commission on the sale of newly introduced affiliates.
Wings, through its e-commerce portal, has created a real affiliate program known as Social Market, which aims to monetize the communication that users store every day on social networks (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to post and share Wings Mobile ads content. For each item purchased, Wings Mobile offers an important commission equal to 25% of the value of the product.
In addition, to reach business users professionally, Wings Mobile will create alternative distribution channels through professional sales agents. These agents usually operate commercially through direct sales channels directed at companies, proposing contracts and telephone deals.
Wings Mobile follows the RIM (blackberry) model which offers telecommunications operators the possibility to market their devices and exclusive services that are included in OEM or Co-Branding mode.


BitWings, cryptocurrency from Wings Mobile
Detailed information about our tokens
  • Token name: BWN
  • Token Type: ERC20
  • Soft Cap: 30,000,00 BWN
  • Hard Cap: 189.000.000 BWN
  • Begins: January 2, 2019
  • It ends: November 30, 2019
  • Max Tokens made: 300,000,000 BWN
  • Pre-sale price: 1 BWN = 0.1 USD
  • ICO Price: 1 BWN = 0.2 USD
  • Receives: ETH, BTC, Fiat
  • Soft cap: 3.000.000 USD
  • Hard cap: 30.000.000 USD

  • Personal sales (02. January - 30. June) - 50% bonus
  • ICO phase 1 (1. September - 30. September) - 25% bonus
  • ICO phase 2 (1. October - 20 October) - bonus 15%
  • ICO phase 3 (21. October - 10. November) - bonus 5%
  • ICO Phase 4 (Nov 11 - Nov 30) - 0% bonus


2Q 2017
  • Developing the first Secure Hybrid Technology;
  • Wings Mobile won "ALCI AWARDS" for Technology DESIGN.

3Q 2017
  • Developing the first prototype of W5 and W2 smartphones;
  • Wings Mobile presents the Social Market Project;
  • Wings Mobile launches GSM Mobile Services in Spain.

4Q 2017
  • Developing the Wings back office;
  • Laptop development and design
  • Wings Book;
  • Launched W2 & W5 models on the Spanish market

1Q 2018
  • Development of the integration of Wings Energy, in the Wings office;
  • Commercial launch of Wings Book Laptop.

2Q 2018
  • Development of a new wing suite
  • new version of software & wing;
  • Development of new W2 + & W5 + technology images;
  • Develop a new Wings Book line;
  • Commercial launch of Wings Energy.

3Q 2018
  • Realization of prototype smartphone W2 & W5;
  • Realization of the new Wings Book laptop prototype;
  • ICO Bitwings technology development;
  • Pre-launch in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia; New smartphone presentation
  • W2 + & W5 +; Presentation of the new Wbook model.

4Q 2018
  • Development of new W3 and W6 smartphones;
  • Wings PAY blockchain system
  • development (off-line postal system);
  • Development of PoD mining mobile applications;
  • Business unit creation: Colombia, Ecuador and Peru;
  • Launched private sales of Bitwings.

1Q 2019
  • Development of new integrated software in the X-Generation series;
  • Development of new generation X devices (WX & Xbook);
  • Development of a Secure Core operating system;
  • Realization of the Minephone prototype;
  • Launch new devices W3 and W6;
  • Launch of new business units in Italy, Argentina and Mexico.

2Q 2019
  • Development of Wings PAY blockchain system (on-line system);
  • Development of the Super Natural Speech Virtual Assistant "Angel";
  • Launch of the new Wings Minephone World;
  • Creation of new business units: France, Germany, Britain, Brazil, Austria, Greece, Ireland, the Netherlands, Canada, Chile, USA, Portugal.

3Q 2019
  • Add modules to the Super Natural Speech Virtual Assistant "Angel";
  • Development of new smartphones W2, W4, W7, W8;
  • The world launch of a new X-Generation device;
  • World PAY Wings launch;
  • Create a new business unit
  • Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Luxembourg,
  • Poland, Romania, Bolivia, Panama, Paraguay, Uruguay.

4Q 2019
  • Launching new smartphones W2, W4, W7, W8;
  • The creation of new business units Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras.


  • ANTONIO MILIO: CEO & Co-Founder
  • DANIELE BIANCHINI: Chairperson & Co-Founder

  • EVAN LUTHRA: Top Adviser & Technology Advisor
  • FABRIZIO MELI: General Manager
  • FRANCESCO MACRI: Institutional Relations
  • ALESSANDRO TRAVERSARI: Director of Technical Devices
  • CRISTIAN CASTRO: Director of Crypto Engineers
  • RAÚL LLOVERAS: Director of Marketing & Shops
  • ERNESTO KRUGER: Investor Relations
  • JUAN PABLO MORENO: Team Director
  • FREDDY RAMIREZ: Director of the Blockchain Network

  • VERA ZHANG: Director of the China Office
  • LUCA PERCONTI: Financial Advisor
  • KIKO SERRANO: Senior Graphic Designer
  • DOMENICO CANTONE: Director of Web Marketing
  • MARISA RUIZ: Finance Director
  • MAURIZIO SORINI: VAS Sales Director
  • ABU SIDDIK: Marketing advisor
  • DAVID GONZALEZ: Director of Network Sales
  • DAMIAN TIRANTE: Web Designer
  • VIKAS KALWANI: Campaign Manager
  • VIRGINIA ALBELDA: Wings Social Media

  • MARCO REALINI: Counselor
  • NAVIIN KAPOOR: Top Adviser
  • DANIEL AGUILAR: Counselor
  • SAURABH SHARMA: Media Relations Advisor
  • Shehzad Khan: Strategic Marketing Advisor


  • Name: loockup45
  • LinkProfile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2213263
  • ETH ADDRESS: 0x180dE6380154228445501a35b3Fa5b0E473E5da6
  • EMAIL: loockup45@gmail.com
  • Telegram: @angga_ss


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